How We Fight Hunger

Fighting hunger is at the core of what we do at TCAH. Food insecurity continues to be a major challenge for many New Yorkers, affecting over 2.6 million individuals including children and seniors throughout the city. Here are some facts and figures on our approach to fighting hunger.

3 Million Meals from SuperPantry/Mobile Pantry Services


20,000 pounds of food to New Yorkers in need

Urban Agro-Ecological Centers

$2.5 million back into the community

Free Tax Services

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy was the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, and our team at TCAH experienced its impact firsthand. Armed with hot food, blankets, and bags of groceries, we were among the first relief providers to brave the debris in Far Rockaway, and we will never forget the scene of destruction left in the wake of the superstorm.


We found a neighborhood that had been nearly destroyed. Entire homes were in shambles, trucks and cars had been washed away, and most importantly, families who had lost everything were out wandering the streets in need of help.TCAH’s on-site relief effort provided crucial support to thousands in both Coney Island and Far Rockaway. Hundreds more evacuees came to TCAH’s SuperPantry for food and support as they worked towards a rebuilding their lives.


In the first three weeks after Hurricane Sandy, we increased food distribution by a staggering 138%. For example, TCAH typically feeds 200 to 300 new families each month. However, in the three weeks after Sandy, we added more than 650 new families.


In December of 2012, we received a $10,000 grant to help us expand our efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. This generous donation along with other contributions allows us to continue helping families still recovering from the devastation of the storm. To learn more about this ongoing work, please visit our Mobile Pantry page.

Stats about Hunger in NYC

Source: 2017 New York City and State Hunger Report provided by Hunger Free America

New York State

Between 2014 and 2016, 2.6 million people (12.5% of residents) in NYS experienced food insecurity, including:

17.2% of all children (1 in 6)

9.4% of employed adults, and (1 in 10)

8.7% of seniors (1 in 11)

New York City

In the same time period, 13.9% (1.1 million) of New York City residents were food insecure, including:

19.1% of children (1 in 5)

9.8% of employed adults (1 in 10)

12.5% of seniors (1 in 8)


Between 2014 and 2016 the following groups experienced food insecurity in Brooklyn:

14.7% of Brooklyn residents are food insecure (1 in 7)

roughly 101,214 children food insecure

10.7% of employed Brooklyn residents are food insecure (1 in 10)

roughly 15.6% of Brooklyn seniors are food insecure (1 in 6)

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