I Got You, Girl!

I Got You, Girl!

Help TCAH raise funds, products and awareness in support of women and girls

Stop the Flow of Period Poverty

For millions of people worldwide, period poverty, or the inability to access menstrual products like tampons or pads, is a persistent and debilitating problem. A recent survey by the period tracker app Flo, found that 34% of its users believe that period poverty is only a problem in developing countries. But in reality, countries like the U.S. experience period poverty too. The statistics show that the fight to achieve menstrual equity is still ongoing.

“Period poverty is real and it affects people all over the country, including right here in New York. Many low-income people with periods cannot afford menstrual products and must decide every month whether to buy food or these products.

This is a decision that no one should be forced to make. By supporting campaigns such as “I Got You, Girl!” that help to improve access to feminine hygiene products, we ensure that people with periods are not held back and can participate in employment, education and other endeavors.”

Annie Mohan
Vice Chair, Board of Directors
Founder, “I Got You, Girl!”

Meeting Essential Needs

When you support TCAH’s “I Got You, Girl” Campaign, you help us provide essential products to New Yorkers struggling to make ends meet.   Here are the products that are in high demand:

  • Essential Hygiene Products: soap, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste and toilet paper
  • Period Products: period underwear, pads, panty liners, tampons and items like menstrual cups
  • Infant and Baby Essentials: formula, diapers, wipes, breast pumps, diaper creams, and blankets

Period Poverty By The Numbers

1 in 6 women and girls
in New York (between the ages of 12 and 44) lives below the Federal Poverty Line.

1 in 5 low-income women

report missing work, school or similar events due to lack of access to period supplies.

 State and federal safety-net programs cannot be used to purchase period supplies.

Women are 38% more likely

to live in poverty more than men. In some communities of color, as many as 21% are living in poverty.

1 in 4 women
struggled to purchase period products within the past year due to lack of income.

1 in 5 teens

have struggled to afford period products, or haven’t been able to purchase them at all.


If your company or organization is interested in hosting a product drive or becoming a sponsor, please fill out the form below:

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